Hi there and welcome to my web page. I first decided to create my own site to learn how to build a web page including the process of buying a domain name and hosting. It also allows me a creative outlet online as well as a chance to put into practice any programming and WordPress skills I acquire. It’s been a great learning experience although neglected far too often. Hopefully I’ll gradually transform it into something cool.

Born and raised in a Tewksbury, Massachusetts. I attended the University of Southern California where I graduated with a B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering. After spending a considerable number of years in Los Angeles I moved to Austin at the end of 2013.

There’s always been confusion on my last name. I’m often confused with being of Japanese decent. Truth be told people confuse me for Thai and Filipino too. There is a Japanese Seto but there is also a Chinese Seto as well. Apparently there is a whole village in China where everyone in named Seto. The Japanese version is pronounced Set-o whereas the Chinese (Cantonese) version is See-to.

See  See

To To

My father named me. I never got much of a story behind why I was named Ivan other than my father didn’t like American names.

I also have a Chinese name meaning “new wealth”.

Sun Sun

Ho  Ho